Package net.beadsproject.beads.analysis.featureextractors

Provides a set of classes for performing feature extraction on audio data.


Class Summary
FFT FFT performs a Fast Fourier Transform and forwards half of the real part of the data to any listeners.
Frequency Frequency processes spectral data forwarded to it by a PowerSpectrum to determine the best estimate for the frequency of the current signal.
GnuplotDataWriter GnuplotDataWriter grabs forwarded feature data and prints it to a file in pm3d format for Gnuplot.
MelSpectrum MelSpectrum receives spectral data from a PowerSpectrum object and converts it to the mel frequency spectrum.
MFCC MFCC generates mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, an important feature type in music and speech processing.
Peaks Peaks finds the strongest N peaks in a signal passed from a PowerSpectrum, where N is the specified number of features.
Power Power calculates the RMS power over a frame directly from an audio signal.
PowerSpectrum PowerSpectrum calculates the power spectrum from a segmented audio signal.
ReBin ReBin takes an array of float data and places the data into a smaller array, the size of which is specified by the number of features.
SpectralCentroid SpectralCentroid calculates the spectral centroid of a signal.

Package net.beadsproject.beads.analysis.featureextractors Description

Provides a set of classes for performing feature extraction on audio data.