Package net.beadsproject.beads.core

Provides Beads' core classes, in particular, Bead, UGen and AudioContext.


Class Summary
AudioContext AudioContext provides the core audio set up for running audio in a Beads project.
AudioUtils AudioUtils provides basic conversion of buffers of audio data between different formats, interleaving, and some other miscellaneous audio functions.
Bead Bead is an abstract class which defines basic behaviour such as starting and stopping, pausing and handling messages.
BeadArray BeadArray represents an array of Beads (and is itself a subclass of Bead).
UGen A UGen is the main base class for implementing signal generation and processing units (unit generators).

Package net.beadsproject.beads.core Description

Provides Beads' core classes, in particular, Bead, UGen and AudioContext.